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Web-based setup wizard routine
Tax/regional wizard Quick and easy configuration for selected jurisdiction without time-consuming manual changes to each country/state record


VB.NET source codeFull open source code
Database codeAll database code (sprocs, functions, etc.) fully open source
Dual licenseGPL v2 or optional Kartris Commercial License

Visual Design

Responsive designIntegrates the Zurb Foundation responsive framework to provide mobile and tablet support, as well as enabling use of a wide range of Foundation's widgets within your content
SkinsCombines masterpages and themes into a single self-contained folder
Simple skin installationSimply copy skin into 'skins' folder and it will appear as option in back end
Multiple skins included
W3C standards compliant HTML output code
Extensive CSS implementationCarefully nested IDs and classes give full control over almost any aspect of appearance on any page from CSS alone
Alternative masterpage for home pageSystem automatically detects optional 'HomePage.master' if present in skin
Skin and default master page selectable by languageCan have alternative CSS and XHTML layout for different languages if required, e.g. right-to-left, non-western scripts
Payment gateway response templates Format the HTML output to customers that certain payment gateways allow you return on callback (e.g. WorldPay)
Email TemplatesSeparate templates for each language for customer emails including orders, password reset, support tickets, account validation.

Product Catalogue / CMS

Product limit
Product versions limit 1,000,000+
Unlimited categories
Unlimited nested category levels
Nest products and subcategories under same parent
Multiple product display types
Paging of productsSet items per page for each product display type
Paging of subcategoriesSet items per page for each subcategory display type
Products with unlimited optionsSize, colour, weight, also ideal for product configuration such as computers
Settings per optionOptions can be required, optional and you can determine default position of selections
Real-time price update when options selected or changed
Text customization of itemsCan be optional or required
Object config - custom settings per product Set the unit size of a product (0.01, 5, 12, 100, etc.), set the add-to-basket quantity selector type (textbox, dropdown, none)
$POA / call for price Turns off the 'add' button, hides price
Multiple product images with auto-galleryUnlimited product images
Multiple file uploadSelect multiple product images and upload in one go
Multimedia gallery for products and versionsUpload Flash video, MP3s or link to YouTube and other video sites
Automatic image thumbnails/resizing
Automatic large view modal popups
Product version imageOptional
Stock level tracking
Request 'back in stock' notificationEnter email to receive notification when an item is back in stock
Allow purchase of out of stock itemsOptional
Stock tracking and unique SKU for each permutation of options productOptional
Set unique price for each permutation Pricing set per SKU, or by combination of the base version price plus option price modifiers (as in 1.3 and earlier)
Custom product control support Build your own custom control to create and price any kind of configurable products, draw data from spreadsheet, web service or any other data source
Downloadable product supportControl time that downloads are available for, whether manual approval of purchase is needed before downloads available

Admin Area

Unlimited back end admin logins
Refine permissions per user Give access to admin, product content, orders and support features
Log of admin actions
Logs of any errors
Log defaults to latest errorSingle click access to the log page, which defaults to the current day, and the text area also scrolls to end so last error easy to find
Powerful search functionalitySimple and quick way to find config settings, customers, products, etc. from one handy box - also full-text enabled
Mark prices up/down Mark up item prices, RRPs or quantity discounts for products that match specified criteria
Intuitive AJAX-enabled interface
Back end treeview with splitter'populate-on-demand' treeview to navigate to categories and products, movable splitter to optimize menu width to available screen size
'Always visible' page submit/update buttons
Order editingEdit orders (including purchased items), track over or underpayments that result
Graphs of statistics and reports Tabular alternative still available
Print shipping labelsBuilt in PDF export of shipping labels using standard size/formats
Batch print invoicesPrint all awaiting dispatch, or selected invoices


Open plugin architecture for payment systemsSimple installation of payment gateways, all settings editable from back end
Friendly names for payment methodsSet in each payment gateway's config
Web APIAccess the entire BLL functionality via a web services API - improved in v2.7 to handle data tables
Bitcoin integrationKartris talks to Bitcoin client via the JSON API, so you can accept payments for orders by Bitcoin natively, without any requirement (or the cost) of third party Bitcoin payment providers
Open plugin architecture for real-time shipping systemsSimple installation of shipping systems, all settings editable from back end
QuickBooks integration Import orders into QuickBooks
Object config settings at version levelCustomizable settings now available at version level as well as product level
Postcodes4uUK address lookup through online service (fees apply)
MailChimpCollect addresses to your MailChimp account, ecommerce integration features


Configurable tax UK, EU VAT, US state tax, prices including or excluding tax
Canadian GST/PST/HST support (beta) Double level tax regime support
EU business VAT handling Includes real-time validation of VAT numbers using the EU web service, with fall-back format checking function
NEW Brexit-related features (for UK stores) Include VAT numbers, EORI, commodity codes at product level, weight subtotal, discounted values per row on invoice.
Unlimited shipping methods, zones and bands Online shipping price lookups coming soon...
Multiple languages Unlimited
Multiple currencies Unlimited
Currency rate update Now uses the free ECB rates feed carrying most major currencies
Easy currency selection and switching Choose your default currency during setup/install and change it simply from the back end with a single click or using the tax/regional wizard
Configurable currency display format, set per currencySet number of decimal places, decimal separator (comma/point), position of currency symbol (before or after value), etc.
All site text can be changed from back endDatabase-driven language content, no programming or files to change
Can set different masterpage or skin for each language
Full unicode supportHandles Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian
Full right-to-left language supportTags on prices and other formatted text ensure correct display direction for R-t-L languages
Easy import of language packs with Data ToolImport latest language pack into existing Kartris database

Shopping Basket

Aggregate similar productsTwo or more of identical items (with identical options or text customization) will appear on same line, even if added separately
Configurable 'adding to basket' behaviour Popup with time delayed close, redirect or no indication
Basket item imagesNow with version images, if available
Basket shipping price estimate
Auto-adjust with notification when stock level drops below quantity of an item in cart
Save a basket
Autosave basketWhen user is logged in, basket autosaved and recovered on next login (unless already filled)
Create a wishlist or purchase items from another user's wishlist
Full order history in 'my account'
View/print sales receipt from 'my account'

Discounting and Marketing

Product promotionsBuy X of product Y, get Z free, spend X get Y% off product Z, etc.
Customer discounts % or $ discounts
Customer group discounts% or $ discounts
Customer group pricingIndividual pricing per item, per customer group
Quantity discounts / price breaksUnlimited bands - give sliding discounts for higher volumes
Coupons% or $, with start/finish dates, reusable or use-once
Link coupons to promotion Coupon code unlocks a promotion that is otherwise unavailable
Internal stats systemLogs product views, purchases, search terms, displays data in back end
Google Analytics supportFull ecommerce tracking - pageviews and order conversion

Data Import/Export

Custom exportsSQL query and associated field info can be stored and run manually to export any specific data as a .CSV file
Powerful standalone Data Tool softwareUpgrade stores, import spreadsheet data and images
Import stock levels from spreadsheetQuick import and update of store stock levels from a spreadsheet
Further data importsUpdate RRP, quantity discounts and group prices through spreadsheet import
Command-line functionality in Data ToolScript daily imports or stock updates from spreadsheet data
Import combination products and attributes

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

'Friendly' URLsAutomatic but can be manually overridden
Canonical URL tags in every product and category pageDeals with duplicate-content issues, supported by Google, Bing and Yahoo
Automatic page title, meta-description and meta-keywordsFor products, categories, CMS pages and knowledgebase articles
Can override automatic any page title, meta-description or meta-keywords tagFor products, categories, CMS pages and knowledgebase articles
Rich SnippetsProduct info automatically added to product page markup
GoogleBase/Froogle feed
Google Sitemap
H1, H2 tag mark up throughout
RSS news feed
Always-on SSL supportGoogle has indicated it will start to give a subtle bias towards secure web sites
CactuShop URL redirectionExisting CactuShop URLs indexed by search engines automatically recognized by Kartris and 301-redirected to the equivalent new Kartris page


Choice of category menu stylesFrom v2.0 onwards, the menu type is coded into the skin, as most layouts are designed to incorporate a particular menu type
Sophisticated 'relevance processing' in-built search engineSupports full-text catalogs for speed even on huge catalogues of 1,000,000+ items
Performance improvements
Automatic breadcrumb trails
Recently viewed products
Top selling items
Related products
Newest items


All database operations via parametrized stored proceduresStructural immunity to SQL injection attacks
Front end 'requestValidate' defaultExtra layer of Microsoft XSS protection on front end
SSL supportNow supports 'always on' SSL
Cloudflare supportFree external SSL support, other security features
Hashed passwordsAdditional salting for all accounts
Viewstate is encrypted
Back end can be IP protectedSupports multiple IPs and ranges
Password strength indicator


Well-structured databaseIndexes and efficient queries for snappy response even with well over one million products
Extensive cachingReduces round trips to database on data that changes rarely
Full-text catalog supportMuch faster text searches on larger databases
SQL stored proceduresAs much processing as possible handled at the database, reducing the data volume and processing time required in the application
ADO.NETAvoids EF which is anywhere from 5 to 100 times slower
Viewstate minimizationViewstate disabled where possible to reduce page size and load time significantly
Cloudflare supportBuilt to work with Cloudflare, the free service provides code minification, optimization and caching in their global CDN, as well as TLS security
Further optimization and refinementAnalysis of performance bottlenecks and optimization of various queries

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